What Drives Unitary

[0] Simplicity.

In this era, our universal bottleneck is attention. The tech we have under our thumbs is powerful, but grows more complex each day. And you have finite energy.

We want a future that offers aligned simplicity to combat the endless, emergent complexity of the technology of your money. Whether it’s digital stock certificates, countless account balances, or native digital assets, we believe in designing a better way than the jumble that exists now.

Our name, Unitary, comes from a few origins. The first is from mechanical engineering: a unitary chassis is a more stable platform for vehicles. The second, from mathematics: a unitary transformation is faithful at preserving internal structure. The third, from quantum mechanics: a unitary operator cannot create or destroy information, and thus communicates the accurate, whole truth.

The Unitary mission: simplify secure access to digital finance.

[1] Alignment.

We have been annoyed by the archaic design of legacy financial systems for decades, and how nooks of services are jammed with gotchas, ways to extract fees or to skim off the top.

We want a world for ourselves and our kids where skipping the fine print doesn’t mean you get ripped off. It is an outright shame that at the pinnacle of modern civilization people still expect to get ripped off when they move their own money around.

We want a financial ecosystem where infrastructure is responsibly designed from first principles, with transparent incentives and clear, long-term alignment. No bullshit "investment recommendations*” that come from people who only get paid when you invest in what they’re selling. No back doors for institutions to take risks with your money when you’re not looking. No ways to sneak around capital requirements.

*Note: We do not currently provide any investment recommendations.

[2] Speed.

Do you feel rage when a website takes a second too long to load? (Maybe you should consider joining us, but only if your rage is aimed at poor product design, not your teammates.)

We have so little precious time on this planet—it’s finite, and it’s something we can never make more of. You can always make more money, but there is no way to make more time.

We want to build fast, always-on financial services that are responsive, sensibly designed, extensible, and digitally native. Do you really want seven different teams run by pointy-haired suits barking incomprehensible buzzwords at coders at some Faceless Bank* designing an API to your digital wallet?

How about when they introduce a new feature, and you can’t access any accounts for a week?

We didn’t think so.

*Note: We are not currently a Bank, and cannot say that we offer any banking or bank-like services.

[3] OPSEC.

a.k.a. Operational Security. We are paranoid. We have to be, to be in this business. But it means that we will survive.

Remember Equifax? Specifically, how they managed to let personal data (everything from social security numbers to addresses to birthdays) out into the open for nearly 150 million “customers” (many of whom did not know they were customers of Equifax)?

We hate, hate, hate when that kind of thing happens.

We want better security offerings.

We all deserve better.

You deserve better.

[4] Innovation.

So what’s the end goal of fulfilling all of the above?

Why not just create and automate low-fee vehicles that will exist forever?

We care about the above so we can drive forward not only finance, but also the future of resource allocation and optimization for everyone.

We want a future where any person on earth — any child on earth — with an internet connection has universal access via Unitary to ways of securing their financial future.